Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Everything You Wanted to Know About Rabbit Health & Well-Being

To understand a rabbit's mind, ask us and we'll tell you it goes like this: "Lettuce...Hay... Run as fast as you can around the room...Flop on your side....Hay...."

To understand your rabbit's medical needs, we always suggest you turn to Chicago Exotics.

For the second year in a row, Red Door is pleased to announce The Rabbit Seminars, a two-part series of talks and discussion about rabbits, presented by the exotic medicine veterinarians of Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital.

Because rabbit medicine differs so completely from that for cats and dogs, these seminars offer the public vital information concerning the care and health maintenance for pet rabbits, the third most popular pet in the U.S.

Chicago Exotics is Chicago's most experienced team of rabbit-savvy veterinarians, seeing hundreds of rabbit patients a month. They are the official veterinarian for all of Red Door's rabbits.

The first seminar--dealing with cardiac, respiratory and dental disease-- is March 16, at 1 p.m. Drs. Susan Horton & Stephanie Moy will be speaking. There will also be a Q & A period.

Admission is free. NOTE: This is a new location from last year. This year the seminars will be held at Devonshire Cultural Center, 4422 Greenwood St, Skokie, IL. Admission is free and there is a large free parking lot. Light snacks will be provided.

If you attended last year's Rabbit Seminars, we want to let you know that the first lecture covers all new material.

Please just send an email to saying you are attending.

The second seminar will be May 18, also at Devonshire Cultural Center.

Dr. Susan Horton is a well-known leader in exotic medicine and a member of the AEMV. She graduated from the University of Illinois and has been an associate editor for the Exotic DVM magazine. She opened Chicago Exotics--a full service avian and exotic hospital--in 2000.

Dr. Stephanie Moy graduated from the University of Illinois, where she volunteered in the wildlife clinic. She has completed externships at John G. Shedd Aquarium and at the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife in Sanibel Island, Florida.

Dr. Katy Parr graduated from Louisiana State University of Veterinary Medicine. She completed externships with Lincoln Park Zoo and the Wildlife Center of Virginia.