Saturday, February 23, 2013

Huey the Mascot needs your love

Huey has always been a character!

If you've been to Red Door in the past 13 years, you've met Huey. He's the friendly ocicat who is our official mascot and greeter.   He is a hilarious cat, and definitely our most popular cat at the shelter. He is on the A-list and likes to be at the center of the action, which is why he often tries to escape into the front office.

Huey came to us as a kitten when Red Door first opened in 2000; he had been badly abused--including being thrown against the wall--so he had lost some feeling in his hindquarters. His tail droops and he doesn't always make it to the litterbox in time. Despite his cruel history, Huey is a happy-go-lucky guy who loves life and gets along with everyone. He is an inspiration to us all.

We're sad to report that Huey has developed diabetes. We will be providing him with all of the medical treatment (and love) he requires. Please keep our beloved Huey in your thoughts, or better yet, stop by and visit him.  No treats allowed, but hugs are always welcome.
You can even make a donation in honor of Huey through our website:

Huey is the sweetest, friendliest cat in Red Door history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor sweet Huey. I hope he responds to his treatment well. I've had diabetic kitties in the past who lived normal lives for years after their diagnosis. I hope Huey can do that, and get lots of loving every day he's here.