Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Watseka Rabbits Update

Tuesday, March 6, the Deptment of Agriculture held a hearing on the fate of the Watseka rabbits, currently held at South Suburban Humane Shelter. Two humane investigators testified about the conditions in which they found the rabbits [in an unheated, dark garage with no ventilation; feces two feet deep on the floor]. Also Susan Brown, DVM, testified to her examinations of the rabbits at SSHS.

The breeder has asked for 25 rabbits back--specifically, he is asking for the return of the Satins because they are "the most valuable" to him financially. He would like to continue to breed these Satins.

A decision is expected within the next five days. Meanwhile, Red Door will be going back to SSHS this Sunday to continue volunteer care for the 170 rabbits.

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