Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Jingle Pups Charm Andersonville
Red Door's Jingle Pups braved the cold last Saturday to bring some heart-warming and heart-wagging good cheer to Andersonville. Our hardworking volunteers and their adorable adopted dogs raised hundreds of dollars from the generous shoppers out on Clark Street!!!
A big part of that success was due to the undeniable charms of Spike, Mabel, Gulliver and Benji; they all wagged their tales throughout the afternoon. A very big 'Thank You' goes out to Elise Murphy, Kristen Clifford, Tamara Friedman, Steve Williams, and Julie Dorion for braving the chilly weather and helping to make the event a success!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
"The Stockings Were Hung by the Shelter Doorway with Care..."
We know the Red Door rabbits are ready for the holidays. Just look at all the stockings--each one individualized with a rabbit's name--hanging by the inside doorway of the shelter!
A huge holiday thank you to the Borkovec family, particularly Mia and Lucia, for their efforts to help make the holiday merry and bright for all the Red Door animals. Besides making these adorable stockings and stuffing each of them with a dollar, the Borkovecs have gotten friends and family to support our events (including baking dozens of delicious cookies for the recent Bazaar). And they've adopted two outstanding Red Door rabbits: Laramie and Ana Maria. Now they're going to foster the beautiful big white bunny Bella Swan.
We know visions of papaya tablets and big leafy green lettuce leaves are dancing through the rabbits' heads right now! Thank you, Mia and Lucia, and all the Borkovecs! You've made this holiday very special for all the animals.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Stan Lee Goes on Vacation
Stan Lee (right) has been at the shelter for quite awhile. Not everyone likes red-eyed white rabbits. And Stan just wants to be understood.
So we were thrilled when a volunteer offered to give Stan a little vacation. From this photo she sent today, it appears that her rabbit Ava (left), the blue-eyed bunny rescued from the massive rabbit confiscation at South Suburban Humane Society several years ago, is a little interested.
We can't help but smile at Ava's intense, blue-eyed checkout of Stan.
Interested in giving another Red Door animal a little vacation? Please email us at info@reddoorshelter.org
Friday, December 04, 2009
Home for the Holidays - A Coop for Tuketu
We told you about Tuketu, the young chicken who was running around an apartment courtyard in Chicago. Now we're happy to share these photos of Tuketu in her new home -- where she is living with four other hens as a hip urban chicken-companion animal.
First, here is Tuketu checking out her new coop.
Then, Tuketu settles in with the gals for some quality roosting.
And finally, Tuketu and her new friend Lydia do a little hunting and pecking.
Thanks again to Liz at Nutzy Mutz in Madison, WI for all her help. And thanks to Tuketu's new family for getting Tuketu to a new coop for the holidays.
Monday, November 30, 2009
A new kind of carrier
How many rabbits can you fit in a guitar case?
At least one.
Elenor had a good time exploring everything in her foster home recently. It was tough getting a good photo -- she wouldn't stop moving!
At least one.
Elenor had a good time exploring everything in her foster home recently. It was tough getting a good photo -- she wouldn't stop moving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tinsley Joins Adopted Rabbit Hall of Fame
Little Tinsley was captured at the end of summer in a community garden. Poor bunny! She and another pet rabbit, Rockwell, had been dumped there. And while they were having fun nibbling on various leaves and crops, they were also living in real danger every day.
Red Door volunteers and concerned neighbors captured Rockwell and Tinsley. Rockwell was adopted....and now we're happy to say that Tinsley is adopted as well!
Meet Elenor
I got a new foster rabbit yesterday. Elenor's a large albino rabbit with the classic pink eyes and white fur. She'll get me ready for that Alice in Wonderland movie that's coming out! She was a bit nervous at first, but seems to be settling in -- loves to be scratched behind the ears and is always, always looking for a treat.
I've actually never had a rabbit this large. You probably can't get the scale from the photo, but I think her ears are almost five inches long. Her fur is also much thicker than most albinos', which makes her lots of fun to pet.
I'm thankful to have her, and she's probably thankful to have a break from the shelter, so happy Thanksgiving to Elenor... and to all of you!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Huey & Red Door Shelter on ChicagoStoryTelling.com
Thanks to Katie Karpowicz and ChicagoStoryTelling.com for the great story about Huey, our long-time mascot, and other Red Door animals:
Chicago’s Red Door Animal Shelter
By Katie Karpowicz
If not for the Red Door Animal Shelter in Rogers Park, Huey the cat’s future may not have been so bright.
Since its start in 1998, the Red Door Animal Shelter has been dedicated to giving homeless animals in Chicago, like Huey, a different kind of shelter experience.
Huey was severely abused as a kitten and, as a result, suffers neurological damage. The cat has no control over his hind legs, tail and bladder.
Huey was brought to Red Door as a kitten. He has lived at the shelter ever since. Red Door employees estimate that the cat is now between 8 and 10 years old. The extra care that he requires makes it hard to find a home for Huey said employees at Red Door.
Red Door, 2410 W. Lunt St., earned its name from a red door’s symbol as a safe haven, a term that has been used since the Middle Ages.
It is a privately funded, no-kill animal shelter, meaning no animal that comes under its care is put down. Animals live in the shelter until they have a home, a process that can take days, weeks or years like in Huey’s case.
Red Door is one of only five no-kill animal shelters in the country that also provides care for rabbits in addition to dogs and cats.
Liz Sharp, who has adopted multiple animals from Red Door and now volunteers several days a week, was adamant about the shelter’s rabbit program.
“They are the best rabbit people in the Chicagoland area,” she said.
Marcia Coburn, the president of Red Door, said that dogs, cats, and rabbits are the three most popular pets in the U.S. She expressed her concern for the lack of rabbit shelters throughout the country.
“Rabbits are overlooked,” she said. “They really need somebody looking out for them.”
The Red Door is a safe haven for many animals. (Courtesy Photo)
Red Door acquires its animals from “everywhere.” She recounted taking calls from community members about strays, finding abandoned animals on the shelter’s doorstep, acquiring animals at high risk for being put down from traditional shelters, and taking pets from owners who couldn’t care for them.
Last February, the shelter received a call concerning a stray rabbit.
“We actually went out and corralled it,” said Coburn. After a five-day search, the rabbit was captured and brought to the shelter.
Employees at Red Door said that at any given time the shelter has an average of 18 rabbits in the shelter and 15 in foster care; 35 to 40 cats in the shelter and 10 in foster care; and two to three dogs in foster care.
While dogs, cats and rabbits account for most of the animals that come under the care of Red Door Animal Shelter, Manager Matt Gannon said that the shelter has also cared for ducks, chickens, roosters, guinea pigs and hamsters.
Red Door started in 1998 with a small system of foster homes for homeless animals. In 2000, an adoption center opened in Rogers Park, spanning two storefronts. In 2003, the shelter acquired the adjacent storefront and expanded to three storefronts.
The cats and rabbits that reside in the shelter are treated to a relatively cage-less atmosphere. The cats are grouped into designated rooms based on their personalities and ages and can to roam freely during office hours. The rabbits are also assigned a room and each animal is given an exercise pen to occupy.
“We try to make it as home-like as possible,” says Coburn.
Unfortunately, the shelter is currently unable to house dogs. Coburn says, “we’re under residential apartments, so the landlord doesn’t really want us keeping dogs in the shelter.”
While Coburn’s position as president of Red Door Animal Shelter is an unpaid committee position, Gannon and other paid employee’s salaries and maintenance costs are all funded by private grants and donations.
Red Door is a non-profit organization and relies heavily on private donations and volunteer workers.
Volunteers come from all over the city. Toni Greetis, vice president and volunteer coordinator, said that many volunteers come in from the surrounding neighborhoods, but also from as far as the south side of the city and the suburbs.
Aside from several small grants the shelter has received over the years—$500 to $2,000—and small adoption fees to cover the animals’ medical expenses, Coburn said the public contributes most of the money to the organization.
In addition to always being accepting of regular donations, Red Door hosts several fundraising events throughout the year, including a walk in June, the “Spring to Life” raffle in the spring, a wine tasting in January, and a Winter Bazaar at which vendors sell gifts and homemade baked goods.
“There’s definitely a lot of support from the community,” Gannon said. “[Red Door] is pretty well known within the area.”
The majority of donors are located in the Rogers Park and Chicago area, but Coburn said that the rarity of Red Door’s no-kill rabbit program has drawn donations from as far as West Virginia and California.
Red Door’s unsteady financial situation prevents administrators from making plans to expand.
“A lot of it is based on funding,” Gannon said “There’s only so much you can do”
To date, Coburn estimates that the Red Door Animal Shelter has served more than 1,000 cats, more than 1,000 rabbits and about 650 dogs.
Even with so much success, Red Door administrators said that their work is never done. There are still countless animals like Huey that need a home and someone to care for them.
Red Door administrators are still hopeful that they’ll be able to find a permanent home for Huey, but, until then, they are glad to provide the cat with shelter. Because of Huey’s extraordinary story, Coburn said that the shelter considers the cat its “mascot.”
“Unfortunately there are more animals that need homes than there is space,” Gannon said. “It can definitely be frustrating working in an animal shelter, but on the other hand it can be very rewarding.”
When asked what is the most rewarding part of the job, Gannon replied, “Knowing that [the animals] are safe here and well taken care of.”
For more information on Red Door Animal Shelter, visit www.reddoorshelter.org.
Monday, November 16, 2009
What Means "Chicken Running in the Courtyard?"
Red Door's former steward Meghan had this inexplicable desire to name a rescued chicken Tuketu. The Native American name means, "Bear running in the woods," and so how that exactly applied to a chicken we aren't sure. But no chicken got rescued before Meghan moved to Texas, so the name was never used.
Then someone captured this chicken running in the courtyard of their apartmant building. OK, it's not a bear and it wasn't running anywhere neat the woods. But nevertheless, in honor of Meghan's fervent yet unfulfilled wish, we named the rescued chicken Tuketu.
We're happy to report that Tuketu is moving to Madison, WI, where she will join a group of three other hens for some backyard clucking and egg-laying and living a life as a pampered pet. We hope Tuketu will be able to explain her exotic name to the other girls.
Thanks to Liz at Nutzy Mutz for her help in finding a home for Tuketu. This one is for you, Meghan.
There's No Place Like Home: Update on Scarlett the Rescued Dog
All of us at Red Door remember Scarlett, a sweet dog looking for a home. So we're very happy to hear from her adopters with this update:
"One year ago today we started our new life full of happiness and good times
when we added our Scarlett dog to our family.
This has been a wonderful year full of belly rubs, rides in the truck,
hunting moles in the garden, running with Sasha (her new sister), baths
(sadly), begging and getting nothing, more begging and getting something,
playing, playing, playing, jumping really high, and sleeping & snoring under
the covers.
None of it would have been possible without our great friends "Uncle" Ben
Clark and all of the "Aunts and Uncles" at the Red Door Shelter. Your hard
work, dedication, and service are invaluable.
We thank you from the bottom of our pea-picking hearts for all that you have
done for our Scarlett and the many animals like her.
I have attached a recent photo of our two girls. Scarlett is on the left and
Sasha is on the right. I had just fed them some peanut butter mini dog
bones. I love this picture! They are always by each other's side mirroring
the other's moves.
Thank you!"
Friday, October 30, 2009
GIMME SHELTER a post from theselfrighteoushousewife.blogspot.com
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Suzy Q: Our shelter bunny
Every six months or so for the past three years, Lilly (11) pulls out the phone book, opens it to the Yellow Pages section of Animal Shelters and begins her calls. "Yes, I was wondering how old you have to be to volunteer at your shelter?" she asks politely. In between rejections (you have to be 16) she comments to Grace (14) "They don't get it. They think we just want to go and cuddle the kittens." "Well don't we?" Grace asks.
No. That is not what Lilly wants to do. She wants to play with the friendless, wash the dirty, clip the long-nailed, clean the dirty cage, sweep the poo, scrub the grungy food dishes. In short, she has a calling and it is to care for shelter animals. But no one gets that. They just think she's another kid who wants to pet a puppy.
That is until we met Toni. Toni runs Red Door Shelter a rabbit sanctuary in Chicago. This wonderful place rescues the homeless and unwanted bunnies (think of the Easter pet that turns out to be more work than someone thought). It was to this shelter that Lilly dragged me about a year ago for "rabbit spa day" a fund-raising event where crazy bunny people get together to have their rabbits groomed and photographed and oh yeah, maybe take another homeless bunny home (which is how we got Suzy Q). Thanks to that event, adoption, and subsequent emails, Toni caught on pretty quickly that Lilly was not your average "can I come play with the bunnies" kid. Which is why she so very, very graciously said yes when I asked if she would make an exception to the age requirement and allow Lilly to volunteer.
The first day of volunteering was last Wednesday. All the way to the shelter Lilly was saying under her breath, "Oh yeah, Heartland Shelter, I'm too young? Oh really, too young you say!? Well aren't you sorry now." She was so excited she nearly binkied (that's rabbit talk for jumping with joy) out of the car as we pulled up to the shelter. I left her there in Toni's capable hands agreeing to return in four hours.
And it was there I found her four hours later, covered in rabbit fur and ecstatically happy about her new job. All the way home she told me about the rabbits she met and played with. About their (often sad) histories but their (almost always) happy endings. There was one bunny in particular she was taken with. Avery.
Avery, she explained, has been there for three years. No one wants to adopt him because he cannot be neutered. He has a heart condition and if they put him under for the surgery he most likely would not survive. So he stays there but not many of the volunteers want to play with him because un-neutered male rabbits have, ahem, some hygiene issues.
"Oh Mom," she gushed, "Avery is so great! I went in his pen and he binkied, then he sprayed to mark his territory, then he pooped all over, and then he humped my leg. I just love him! He's so full of life!"
From the backseat her big brother offered this advice, "Don't go falling for every guy who humps your leg."
Lilly ignored this and began in earnest on another story about two rabbits who were saved from Afghanistan. Seriously.
I know, I've said it before, but I have to say it again, there is no joy like the joy of watching your child find his or her bliss and by God Lilly has found it at Red Door Shelter. Here, at this magical place, she can finally spend time with her beloved buns AND the like-minded, dedicated people who care about them as much as she does. And since I am not so inclined to spend time with rabbits I am mighty grateful there is such a place that welcomes her.
So here's to Toni and her shelter and if my small tale moves you maybe you would consider a small donation to Red Door to thank those who take care of God's smallest creatures --like Lilly and
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Inside the mind of a rabbit
People who aren't familiar with rabbits as pets are always asking me what they do. Do they do tricks? Are they fun to play with? Do they know their names?
It's a little hard to answer some of these, though they are definitely fun to play with. Rabbits vary widely, just like dogs and cats. I had one foster rabbit who was incredibly responsive to commands. He would come running at top speed when you called, jump up on the couch when you patted it, and even stand up to "kiss" your cheek when you offered it. I don't know if he understood the words so much as the context and gestures, but he definitely understood.
My current foster bunny, Avery, isn't quite that responsive, but I can't tell if it's because he doesn't want to listen or doesn't know. One thing he definitely knows is the word "no." He quickly learned that the sound of the refrigerator opening or a knife hitting a chopping block often leads to food! But he also had to learn that it could lead to disappointment, when I walk out of the kitchen saying, "No, Avery. No. People food." "No" also means "stop chewing!" Avery is a bit of a chewer, so I do have to keep an eye on him when I let him out. (It's very easy to bunny-proof the key things against chewing, though, and they don't chew randomly.) As with most animals, bribery works very well to get them to move around when words fail. Bits of apple or carrot are all the communication you need sometimes!
I sometimes wish I knew what Avery was thinking. For example, he doesn't mind me playing the guitar, but he does mind A LOT when I walk past him holding it. I've gotten into the habit of keeping my body between the guitar and the pen when I have to move it around. My best guess is that he sees some weird object approaching (not human-shaped) and doesn't know what it is, so he gets scared. I've noticed this a couple of times when I'm carrying other large things. I'm just glad he can stand to listen to me play!
It's a little hard to answer some of these, though they are definitely fun to play with. Rabbits vary widely, just like dogs and cats. I had one foster rabbit who was incredibly responsive to commands. He would come running at top speed when you called, jump up on the couch when you patted it, and even stand up to "kiss" your cheek when you offered it. I don't know if he understood the words so much as the context and gestures, but he definitely understood.
My current foster bunny, Avery, isn't quite that responsive, but I can't tell if it's because he doesn't want to listen or doesn't know. One thing he definitely knows is the word "no." He quickly learned that the sound of the refrigerator opening or a knife hitting a chopping block often leads to food! But he also had to learn that it could lead to disappointment, when I walk out of the kitchen saying, "No, Avery. No. People food." "No" also means "stop chewing!" Avery is a bit of a chewer, so I do have to keep an eye on him when I let him out. (It's very easy to bunny-proof the key things against chewing, though, and they don't chew randomly.) As with most animals, bribery works very well to get them to move around when words fail. Bits of apple or carrot are all the communication you need sometimes!
I sometimes wish I knew what Avery was thinking. For example, he doesn't mind me playing the guitar, but he does mind A LOT when I walk past him holding it. I've gotten into the habit of keeping my body between the guitar and the pen when I have to move it around. My best guess is that he sees some weird object approaching (not human-shaped) and doesn't know what it is, so he gets scared. I've noticed this a couple of times when I'm carrying other large things. I'm just glad he can stand to listen to me play!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What a Spooky Day! Update on Spa Day
Oh what a spooky, scary day this past Spa Day was! For those of you who missed it, here is a glimpse into the vampire-twilight-inspired set we had for photos. More spa day snaps will be posted in the future here, including one featuring Lunchzilla the frog who was one of the special guests at spa day.
We will be offering to do more photos of this set in the near future.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Spa Day reminder
Don't forget, Vampire Bunny Spa Day is tomorrow from 12-4pm at Red Door! Rabbits, guinea pigs, and cats. Click on the website link to the right and look under Events for more info.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Track star
I let Avery out of his pen for the first time on this visit last night. He's a very active rabbit, and even though the pen is big, I notice that he's much happier if he gets at least a good run in. It's been a while since I last fostered him, so he had to investigate the room thoroughly last night while I kept one eye on him to make sure that he wasn't chewing anything he shouldn't. Once he had nosed his way around, including the space between the DVD player and the TV, he took off on a sprint around the perimeter of the room. Behind the TV, over the wires, behind the radiator, under the sofa, through the clear space past the door, and a grand finale by surfing his way the length of my guitar case. Hilarious.
There was quite a bit of slipping and sliding in the run, because I don't have carpeting. Active rabbits LOVE a good gallop on something that gives their furry paws some friction. Still, Avery doesn't seem to mind as long as he gets to explore!
There was quite a bit of slipping and sliding in the run, because I don't have carpeting. Active rabbits LOVE a good gallop on something that gives their furry paws some friction. Still, Avery doesn't seem to mind as long as he gets to explore!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Introducing Avery
This is Avery, one of Red Door's special needs animals. Avery is an active, adorable Dutch rabbit with an enlarged heart, so he gets drops twice a day. But aside from that, he's just a normal bunny, eager to be out and exploring, and always looking for a treat. He's lucky that it's apple season right now, and he's getting all of my pear peelings and apple cores!
I'm Heidi, and I'm fostering Avery right now to give him a break from the shelter. Even though Red Door's facilities, staff, and volunteers are great, it's a nice change for some of the rabbits who have been there for a while to get more individual attention and a quieter environment with no other animals around. I'll be posting some updates on him to help give a little look into the life of a foster bunny. Don't forget, Red Door also has cats and dogs, and even the occasional farm bird!
Friday, October 09, 2009
Happy Birthday, Bo!
Vampire Bunny Spa Day Oct. 17th
Your bunny won't want to miss this Spa-De-Dah Day on Oct. 17th. It's a scary one: Vampire Bunny is the photo theme and every animal (rabbit, g-pig, or cat) gets the chance to dress up like Bunnicula. Also, there are nail trims, grooming, massages--with all the money going to the homeless animals at Red Door.
Spa Day is from 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. No reservations needed.
Thursday, October 08, 2009
AJ -- Bunny's Disability Doesn't Keep Him out of Hall of Fame
Frank -- A New Bunny in the Adopted Hall of Fame
Ronan joins Bunny Adopted Hall of Fame
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Marcus says, "Don't Forget www.romeothecat!"
It's getting near the end of the month, so don't forget to make your donation to Red Door through the very cute web site Romeo the Cat [www.romeothecat.com] Romeo and Pugsley have been working hard to help all the animals at Red Door and we appreciate it! Also, remember to check out the Rescue Mom and Rescue Dad magnets for sale at Romeo's web site and the Rescue My Animals stickers. Money raised from these sales in September help out the homeless animals at the shelter.
Oct. 3 Blessing of the Animals
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Don't You Want Somebunny to Love?
Darian would be a perfect candidate. This sweet, fun bunny was left in his cage out on the sidewalk overnight. Some good neighbors took him in and then brought him to Red Door. He's just a dream bunny -- smart, affectionate, litterbox-trained, handsome. All he wants now is a new forever home. Darian is just one of the many wonderful rabbits Red Door has ready for adoption: all vet-checked, spayed/neutered, microchipped, and litterbox-trained.
Kuwaiti Bunnies Are Adopted!
They flew all the way from Kuwait to Chicago (thanks to a generous rescuer who wanted them to be safe), where they were greeted at O'Hare by Red Door. You may remember seeing them on the local TV news or reading about them -- Lucky & Ramone made some big splashes in the local media. But finding someone willing to take on the adult pair --who are totally in love with each other -- wasn't as easy as getting them on television. But we're happy to say that Lucky & Ramone have been adopted together into a new home, where they are living the good life. And that's an American dream for these two bunnies.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Dog Wash a Bubbling Success!
Thanks to everyone who brought a dog to our Whole Foods dog wash. It was a wet, wild, and bubbling success, as these photos prove. Thanks to Whole Foods Evanston South, too, for hosting this event for all the animals at the shelter. And thanks, of course, to all our volunteers who helped out at the event.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Come out and support Red Door!
Come to Avieve Salon and Day Spa on Saturday October 10th from 9am-5pm, where a $10 donation gets you entered in a raffle of dozens of great prizes from local area businesses. Also, Red Door dogs will be there from 9am-11:30am for your viewing and adopting pleasure!
A portion of sales at Avieve that day will also go to support homeless dogs, cats, and rabbits at Red Door.
Avieve is located at 2558 N. Southport in Chicago.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Don't Miss Dog Wash Sept. 12 at Evanston Whole Foods!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Relaxing at Home
In a rare moment of repose, we show you Dora the Explorer--now re-named Adelaide--relaxing in her new home. She earned her shelter name easily, by wanting to see everything she possibly could. A weekend in a foster home confirmed she had been aptly named--she took off up a steep staircase without a moment's pause.
But Adelaide is a great name, too. We're fans of Guys and Dolls, too. And this bunny is a doll. Her new mom writes, "She has no fear. If Lucy the cat hisses, she just charges her....Whenever I come home, she runs around the apartment, jumping around in the air doing a binky."
In this photo, Adelaide seems to know that a hearth is the heart of the home, especially when occupied with a beautiful bunny.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Dog Wash Sept. 12 at Whole Foods
In Memory of Blanche
We rescued Blanche a year ago in January. She was left outside in the freezing snow and, for awhile, it seemed like touch and go whether the vets could help her recover from her frostbite. Blanche was supposed to be a big white chicken, but she was skinny and pathetic-looking when we first took in. Her feathers were stained and falling out. But we wanted to do what we could to help her.
Chickens like Blanche don't live very long lives--on average, six or seven months. They're bred for their meat, so they gain weight quickly and then their systems give out. So once we had Blanche on the road to recovery, then what? Most of our regular chicken adopters weren't interested in her.
But we found a great chicken-experienced guy named Wade. He was interested in adopting Zsa Zsa, the orange bantam hen who was hit of the shelter. And he agreed to take Blanche, too. That was 18 months ago.
These photos show Blanche and Zsa Zsa in their new home. As you can see Blanche blossomed into a beautiful white chicken, who --acording to Wade--was always the first to greet him at the door of the coop.
She lived a long and happy life with Wade, Zsa Zsa, and several other hens. We always hoped she would beat the odds stacked her against her--and she did. We're happy we got to know her and helped her find her home.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
A New Rabbit Rescue--In the Rain, Under a Car
Red Door received a phone call on Sunday that a bunny was hiding under a car during the thunderstorms. When the rains let up, a volunteer drove to Albany Park to help capture the bunny.
Given that her breed, New Zealand, is a meat rabbit, it is likely that she escaped becoming someone's dinner. Bella must have been outside for at least several days, as she had grease down her back, tar and debris stuck to her bottom and was a little thin.
She was brought to Chicago Exotics in Skokie on Monday morning where she received medical treatment and a BIG bath. Bella is so happy to be clean again!!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Dog Wash August 8
Don't miss this Saurday's Dog Wash! It's a benefit for the animals at the shelter. It runs from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot at Whole Foods Evanston South, 1111 Chicago Avenue, Evanston. Wash is $10. And if your dog is phobic about water, you can do a brushing and a scented spritz for $5.
See you there!
Monday, August 03, 2009
Ophelia finds love and a forever home!
In November of 2008, a good Samaritan brought a beautiful lop bunny to Red Door. She had rescued this rabbit from a neighbor who was about to make it Thanksgiving dinner. This poor rabbit was so heartbroken that her family didn't love her, that we decided to name her Ophelia. It soon became apparent that Ophelia was very ill. She spent the next 3 months in isolation battling a severe respiratory infection. With little socialization, we were worried she would come out of isolation a very shy bunny. But Ophelia was healthy, happy and eager to meet new friends when she made her debut. Soon, she had a date with a handsome boy named Pickles, they hit it off and now they live together with the Olson family.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Goliath Gets a Big Send-off to New Home
Goliath is a medium-sized dog with a big heart. He was rescued from someone who could no longer care for him. And he deserved a better life--before he was crated all the time and given little love and attention. Red Door was happy to take in Goliath (we don't know wehre he got that name!) and a wonderful foster family welcomed him into their home. Thanks to your support, our work, and wonderful photographs by Sheri Berliner at petraits.com, Goliath found the home of his dreams.
Here are a few shots of Goliath outside the shelter, both with his foster family and his adopter. Happy New Home, Goliath!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Splish Splash Dog Wash Update
Saturday, July 18, 2009
City of Catterly Love
Red Door took a call a couple of weeks ago from a traditional shelter in Philadelphia, PA about a cat of ours that was surrendered to them. After researching the microchip number, it was confirmed that the cat, Henrietta (renamed Kaya), indeed was adopted from Red Door in 2000. The original adopter surrendered her because they were moving (after they had already moved with her to Philly). Red Door sent out an urgent email to volunteers asking for help to bring Kaya back to Chicago. We only had a few days to work with before the admitting shelter would run out of space. As it turns out, a Red Door volunteer happened to be visiting with her parents in Philadelphia, and with the help of some neighbors who offered to foster Kaya, were able to pull her from the shelter.
The volunteers parents happened to fall in love with Kaya, and wanted to permanently adopt Kaya into their home. From all reports, Kaya is doing great in her new home in Philadelphia. The Red Door animals are lucky to have such great volunteers working for their welfare!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Gimme Shelter! Walk Update -- Raffle Prizes
It was a great 2009 Gimme Shelter! Walk this year. The rain held off and fun was had by all. You can read a detailed report in the upcoming Summer Newsletter.
Not on our mailing list? Send your mailing address to: info@reddoorshelter.org
Thanks to our wonderful donors who contributed great raffle prizes:
Siren Salon, 3143 N. Lincoln, Chicago
Double Door Night Club
Santullo's Pizzeria
Chicago Wolves
Six Flags Great America
Anne Leuck Feldhaus
Belgian Chocolatier Piron
Luxe Salon & Spa
East Bank Club
Theatre Building Chicago
The Fireplace Inn
Shedd Aquarium
Raven Theatre
Rockwell's Neighborhood Grill
Second City
Urban Oasis
Women & Children First Bookstore
Southport Lanes & Billiards
Malia Designs
Carol Schulz Animal Communicator
Roger's Bark Pet Salon
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Aaaaaattt Laaaaaasst!
Etta James couldn't have said it any better herself. Long time resident Gabriel was officially adopted on Saturday to his forever home. Gabriel was a favorite of the staff and volunteers at Red Door, and was well known to people in the neighborhood as "that big gray Maine Coon in the window". Gabe was often known as "King Gabriel" for his regal attitude and big furry coat. Not to mention the way he was respected like a king by the other cats in the shelter. Gabriel was adopted and returned an astonishing 3 times, and fostered & returned once. Most people didn't understand Gabriels true nature, and didn't want to give him the time, patience, love, and respect he deserves. His new home offers him that and so much more!
Gabriel's new mom adds:
"He has this new routine when I get up in the middle of the night. He will crawl up me when I get back into bed, and lay partially on my shoulder and pillow and then he'll head butt his forehead against my chin or back by my ear, with his wet nose pressing against my neck, all the while purring very loudly. It sounds kind of wierd when I describe it, but its really quite sweet."
Everyone at Red Door is really happy for Gabriel and his new companion!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Some day my Prince will come
Midge has found her Prince Charming!
This past winter, Red Door received a call that a guinea pig had been found outside. We were delighted to discover that guinea pig was actually a dwarf lion head rabbit! Her unusual looks got lots of attention, but few adopters were ready to deal with her sassy personality. This weekend, a wonderful boy lion head bunny, aptly named Dr. Zaius, came to Red Door for speed dating. It wasn't love at first sight, but mom Nicole decided to take Midge home to see how things would develop. Nicole and Zaius showered Midge with affection and a beautiful new home...a castle for a Princess!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Rabbits Rescued from Kuwait Meat Market at Red Door
Here's the story:
Thanks, ABC-TV Channel 7!
Thanks, ABC-TV Channel 7!
Check 5 pm News on ABC-7 Tonight!
Please check the 5 p.m. news on ABC-7 tonight. You'll see a special report on the two rabbits Red Door rescued from Kuwait. Yes, Kuwait. Someone had rescued them there and was willing to fly them to Red Door. The bunnies are safe and sound, and waiting for their big TV moment tonight.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Buttercup the Duck Finds a Home
If you visited the shelter in the past two weeks, you might have met a sweet Pekin duck who was living in the office. We called him Wesley--but "he" turns out to be a girl! And at her new home, her name is Buttercup.
Buttercup was purchased at a county fair and passed around to several different homes--that's a lot for any duck, let alone a young one like Buttercup, who is only 2 to 3 months old. While Buttercup enjoyed the social life in the shelter office, and her trips to a nearby back yard for a little swimming in a baby pool, we know she's very happy at her new home with her new duck friends.
We hear she's fitting in swimmingly [sorry, couldn't resist]. This is the same wonderful duck rescue home that took Rosie, the last Red Door duck who was saved. Thanks to Heather of the Illinois Duck Rescue for helping Buttercup out.
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